Changing, asking, and offerings.

My perception of time is ever changing. This year has felt so many different ways. Sometimes it has been like an army of hours waiting to be filled with the mundane tasks of life, each weighing more than a ton, while simultaneously it has been a blur that leaves me sitting here on December 24th wondering where did it all go. As I look at my life of one half century, I feel less certain than ever before. I long for security and predictability, yet what I find is shifting sand. And so, I work to create space for the integration of change within the practice of creativity. I breathe and continue to grow, opening to the support that sustains me and listening to the unknown that guides me.
Pathways & Principles — upcoming 3-day workshop with Marcus van Duren in Berkeley

I am pleased to announce that I will be teaching in Berkeley at the spacious Finnish Hall on January 12-14 with Marcus Van Duren. This workshop focuses on content from the Axis Syllabus© and Contact Improvisation. We will work with spirals, sequencing, listening and musicality.
For more information, videos or to register please go here.
Bodywork availability in the Bay Area
I will also be offering sessions for Rolfing and bodywork in the Bay Area on January 10, 11, 15, 26, 27 and 29th. You can sign up here for sessions.
End-of-year donations
As you likely already know, there are two arts organizations of which I am a founding member: The Berkeley Capoeira Collective and The Field Center. Each are growing and thriving. But without support from friends, private businesses, and foundations neither of these spaces would survive. At this year end, please consider giving a donation to either or both of these organizations. Both can receive donations as nonprofit entities. The Field Center has its own nonprofit status, while the Berkeley Capoeira Collective uses the organization Fractured Atlas as a nonprofit umbrella.
Please consider a gift to support arts and culture and remember that any amount helps.
Thank you. I hope to cross paths soon.