March Updates

The winter has been cold but fertile. The field center is thriving, and we are looking forward to our spring and summer sessions. We are currently inside of a short fundraising effort, and will appreciate anything you or your beloveds can contribute. Our goal is to provide more than %50 scholarship, and these finds are being raised to help support that goal. Please go to for all current programing and center info.
The Spinal Musings offering in February was delightful. We sculpted bones, researched the spine, and danced together. It was an honor and a delight to have Kerwin Barrington come down from Canada to share her helical heart research with us. Thank you to all who attended and to all who helped to make it happen. There are two more modules within my 4/4 series focusing on content from with the Axis Syllabus. For more information on all offerings please go to
March 4th and 5th I will be teaching at UCA Denver, my sister Capoeira school in Colorado.
March 6th I will be teaching @block1750 in Boulder. this class will focus on floorwork and is at 3pm MST.
March 21-23 I will return to the Bay Area to work with manual therapy clients. There are still a few slots left. you can book HERE
I look forward to continuing to research what it is to be in the body together!