Thank You!

This month I have had an exceptional time teaching and learning from so many people. The Nomadic College at Earthdance was a tremendous joy to participate in. I had the opportunity to present a body of work around Fascial Intelligence that I have been stewing on for many months now. I found the intellectual and physical research at Earthdance to be fruitful and creative. The mentorship time was precious, and I am honored to be a steward of such important personal discovery, healing and empowerment. I wanted to send out a huge thank you to all who participated in the Nomadic college at Earthdance.
I would also like to thank all of those who made the 2024 Berkeley Capoeira Collective Batizado and annual event a success.

This year’s annual Capoeira event at the Casa de Cultura was so much fun. It was a treat to see so many familiar faces and to share in creating such sacred ceremony together. To be honest, I was nervous about how I would be able to show up at this event. With so much loss in my life, I felt a heaviness to my presence, and was uncertain how that heaviness would find a home within my practice of Capoeira.
My experience was delightfully surprising however. It seems that there was no problem at all. My grief and heaviness had a place in the music and in my voice. It took shape in the swing of my ginga and went for a ride in my cartwheels. Capoeira is a powerful cultural art form that has space for all that is present for those who make the roda. When we come together to share in the ritual of the roda I feel stronger and more alive as a result. I am grateful for the opportunity to be in connection to such a strong and diverse international community of teachers and practitioners who call themselves Capoeiristas.
I am looking forward to teaching this weekend at the Field Center’s Fall Contact Improvisation Jam. I love teaching Contact Improvisation and have been enjoying the opportunity to use the form for investigating different qualities of presence and becoming. I am grateful to all of the teachers and dancers who are so inspiring on this journey of relational intelligence.