Modes of Modulation and BAASE 2024
I have just returned to the Field Center from Brazil, where I had a strong experience teaching in Serra Grande.
It was my first time teaching in Portuguese. I worked with concepts revolving around tensegrity and the role of fascia in communication and support. These workshops were powerful and they helped me to distill my understanding of complex concepts that relate to both internal and external patterns that can alter and expand one's sense of self.
It is my belief that embodied perception and exploration of physical patterns can help to build curiosity and insight around relational ways of listening and becoming. Through our physical practices, it is possible to develop skills that we then can use to support our ability to respect differences and deeply experience interconnection. I am left with a profound appreciation for somatic inquiry as a tool for deepening understanding of life and what it is to be a part of this "nature".
Modes of Modulation with Belinda He

I am so excited to be teaching with Belinda He. She is an extraordinary dancer and Feldenkrais teacher. Together we will be offering a look at how “the many“ can hold different possibilities of support for the singular. We will be looking at ways of resourcing support for challenging situations usng the axis syllabus and the Feldenkrais method.
This workshop is for all levels of experience. Details and registration here.
The weekend prior, on April 5th, Belinda and her collaborator Mohammadreza Akrami will share a performance at the Field Center titled about face. Spread the word, it is open to all! Tickets are $10 - $20 at the door. Doors open at 7:15pm and performance begins at 7:30pm.
BAASE: the Bay Area Axis Syllabus Exchange (save the date)

During the last week of June, BAASE will be returning to the Bay Area.
This will be a 4-day event with offerings from several west coast and Bay Area based Axis Syllabus teachers, including but not limited to Sam Stone, Emily Jones, Sebastian Grubb, and myself.
This event will also host one additional day of a teachers lab (Wednesday June 26th) as well as Lab classes. Partial and full participation will be available. Come one, come all. Registration opens April 1st. More info coming soon!